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Showing posts from October, 2020

Tips on Creating Content

Four Tips on Creating Content Creating content is now a priority for a lot of companies in many industries.  They want to be visible , and just having one website or landing page doesn't cut it.  Many existing businesses have whole departments that work on generating ideas, and content to help maintain and build their online presence.  Pushing out new articles, blog posts, visual posts, video posts, audio posts, or just plain ol' text posts are a part of an imperative process that most, if not all companies should and continue to do. Below are some tips that can and will help grow your online authority : 1. Brainstorming There are many tools for this online, but if you want to take a more intuitive and creative approach; you can try writing down all the thoughts or topics of interest and then breaking those ideas down to their basic parts, asking questions about those parts, making observations of those parts. Re-read those ideas, and come back to them for a few more ro