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Showing posts from January, 2021

My Photography Journey

My Photography Journey As I write this I am in the process of thinking, how does photography align with my values? Photography gives me a sense of freedom, freedom to capture actions, freedom to capture moments as they come and go. There's a sense of security for me knowing that I will have something to look back upon that has can trigger a memory of my own. When I look back at photos now, I realize I wouldn't have remembered so many details just from a thought. Not sure if this applies to other people, but I get a small sense of pleasure when I see photos of myself, and my family in the past. I think photography can really emphasize our values, it serves as a lens of what we value.  Initially, my interest in photography started when I was a young girl, with the point and shoot cameras. I liked to photograph everything, including my friends, family, and myself of course. The anticipation of waiting to see the printed photos was always exciting. Eventually I took a class in blac